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Understanding FCC’s New Clear and Prominent Disclosure Requirement

Disclaimer The following content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. Please consult your legal counsel for advice regarding your specific situation and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently introduced a new regulation, requiring the implementation of clear and prominent disclosure in consent forms. This marks a pivotal shift in the way businesses, including insurance agents, handle consumer consent. In short, the requirement hopes to provide transparency and protection for consumers, by limiting confusion caused by unintended or complicated agreements. For insurance agents especially, having a solid understanding of the new standard is the first step in adapting and maintaining compliance. Additionally, you’ll learn that abiding by the new regulations, will enable you to build stronger relationships with customers. As well as maintain a positive reputation. 

Understanding Clear and Prominent Disclosure 


Clear and prominent disclosure simply means that any consent form that is used must be both easy to understand, and visible in an obvious way to the consumer. The best way to do this is by using straightforward language. And by making sure that the consent isn’t buried in fine print. Additionally, the terms shouldn’t be made confusing by using lots of legal jargon.


This FCC rule aims to make sure that consumers understand exactly what they are consenting to before providing written permission. This clarity reduces the chance of consumer manipulation and helps avoid misunderstandings.

Legal Implications

Insurance agents risk serious legal repercussions if they violate these disclosure rules. These could include penalties, fines, and a damaging effect on an agent’s professional standing and license. Not only is compliance required by law, but it is also a vital aspect of ethical business practices.

Impact on Insurance Agents 

Increased Consumer Confidence

By making disclosure agreements clearly defined and visually prominent, insurance agents will be more trustworthy in the eye of the consumer. When agreements are transparent, confusion is minimized, and consumers much more aware of what they are signing up for. This often fosters a great sense of confidence and goodwill. Starting your client relationship off in a trusting environment will help consumers feel more at ease. So, you can provide them with a great customer experience. 

Reduced Misunderstandings 

By effectively disclosing information, the likelihood of misunderstandings is drastically reduced. This clarity also has the potential to reduce the number of consumer complaints and disputes. Which are oftentimes the result of permission forms that are unclear or misleading.

Brand Reputation

Prioritizing clear and prominent disclosure can have a significant positive impact on an agent’s credibility and reputation. Agents that are known in the industry for their honest and open communication are more likely to draw in new business. Not to mention, keep existing clients for years to come. Word of mouth can go a long way. 

Practical Strategies for Compliance 

Audit Consent Forms Regularly 

Agents should start by thoroughly auditing all consent forms that are currently in use. Focus on making sure that forms adhere to the new requirements of prominence and clarity. Take the time to review these forms monthly or quarterly, to account for any mistakes or necessary changes. 

Reduce Complexity in Words

Simplifying the wording on consent forms is crucial. This entails speaking in simple, understandable English rather than using technical legal jargon. The intention is to give the average consumer as much clarity as possible regarding the terms of consent.

Visual Enhancements

Try to make key information stand out by incorporating visual elements such as bullet points, symbols or bold text. Using these visual enhancements makes it easier for consumers to take away the most important information without having to sift through dense, complicated text. 

Leveraging Technology and Resources 

Digital Solutions 

Technology can be an important tool to ensure that the new FCC regulations are followed. One type of tool that comes to mind here are automated form builders. Automated form builders are used to make sure that consent forms meet legal standards and are consistent across multiple platforms or websites. It’s always important to still double check the work of any automation tool in case there are errors at play. 

Training Initiatives 

Investing in training and educational programs for yourself or your team is a great way to drive home the importance of disclosure and how to effectively comply with the new regulation. When holding these educational sessions, it’s important to cover a variety of topics. Ranging from tips for form design all the way to specific legal requirements. 

Collaboration with Lead Generation Partners

Partnering with lead generation companies such as Benepath, guarantees that all parties involved in the consent process are compliant with FCC rules. By ensuring uniformity across platforms, Benepath makes the consent process efficient, simple and streamlined, so you and your clients will be satisfied. 

In Summary

The FCC’s requirement of clear and prominent disclosure in consent forms, brings to light the necessary changes that need to be made by insurance agents and other B2C businesses across the country. While there may be some struggling on the frontend, by adjusting to the new regulations, you’ll effectively improve your client relationships and reputation. In turn, you’ll likely see your sales and client satisfaction increase for years to come. Insurance agents are encouraged to not wait until the last minute to review and update consent forms. By informing yourself, and making adjustments, you’ll be in the perfect position, not only in terms of compliance, but also in terms of integrity and transparency, which is something to be proud of. 


If you are interested in learning more about the FCC’s most recent ruling and the effects it could have on your business, Benepath is here to help! As leaders in the insurance lead generation space, we’ve seen it all, and we want to come along on your ride towards success. Additionally, we provide a variety of different types of high-intent insurance leads, to help agents boost sales. We have expert insurance advisors on hand around the clock, so don’t hesitate to reach out, just fill out a form, or call us at 888-684-3121.

About The Author:
Picture of Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman
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