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4 Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Insurance Clients

wo professionals discussing documents, with the text '4 Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Insurance Clients' on the left.

Being successful in the insurance industry is largely based on your relationships with clients. Don’t get me wrong, convincing sales techniques are important. What’s even more important though is having the skills to create new relationships and sustain your current ones. 

There are a ton of benefits that come along with maintaining positive client relationships including policy renewals, profitable customer referrals, and even gaining new marketing material like customer testimonials. 

While clients want their insurance needs to be fulfilled, they are human just like you. With that said, it’s crucial to make them feel appreciated, understood and supported.  But how do we foster positive experiences for our clients, and in turn, create long-lasting relationships?

Let’s take a look at the four of the top ways to build strong relationships with insurance clients. By combining simple skills like active listening, personalized communication, reliability and trustworthiness, you’ll enhance  client relationship and improve your personal performance. 

#1 Personalize Your Communication

Infographic titled '4 Ways to Build Strong Client Relationships' with four sections: Personalize Your Communication, Be Reliable and Available, Practice Active Listening, and Follow Through on Your Promises.

Personalized communication is one of the best ways to build strong insurance client relationships. For many people, insurance is a complicated and daunting subject, so when an agent goes above and beyond to meet their specific needs, clients are generally very grateful. 

Communicating to clients with an approach that’s specific to their preferences, demonstrates to them that you view them as people, not just policyholders. While talking with clients, especially in initial meetings, take detailed notes about their personal information (age, location, family size etc), as well as anything specific to communication. This could include things like the mode of communication (phone, in-person, video chat, etc.).

Here are some more specific pointers to help you personalize your methods of communication: 

  • Use Their Preferred Communication Method: While some clients prefer communicating via email or text, others appreciate in-person meetings, phone calls or video conferencing. Catering to these preferences helps to build rapport and puts clients in a more relaxed state-of-mind, making it easier to have an open conversation with them.
  • Reference Important Milestones: It’s important to store all of your client information in a safe place such as a CRM system, including their policy information, and personal information. Prior to touching base, go over these details, and make note of any significant dates on the horizon such as birthdays, important life events or policy anniversary. Something as simple as sending a personalized note, or reminder makes insurance clients feel valued and appreciated. 
  • Segment Your Client List: Group clients together according to the insurance needs they have, then provide them with tailored messaging aligning with these needs. This could include information on recently released insurance products, promotions, deals or adjustments to their existing policy.

Personalization strengthens trust between you and your clients. By creating a sense of understanding and appreciation, clients will be more likely to stay with you. Clients may also take note of your attention to detail and recommend your services to close friends and family, creating more business opportunities for your agency. 

#2 Be Reliable and Available 

Clients need to know that they can rely on you when they have concerns or questions. Being a trusted and available resource implies that you respond to customer demands quickly and provide insightful guidance when needed.

Not to mention, in such a competitive market, if you aren’t available when your clients need you, they’ll simply find someone else to work with in the future. To avoid this altogether, here are a few easy ways to assert yourself as a reliable insurance professional: 

  • Schedule frequent check-ins: Planning periodic check-ins are an excellent way to stay in touch with insurance clients without becoming bothersome. Take advantage of these chances to inform clients about coverage modifications, new insurance opportunities, and policy changes. You can even call and simply ask them how their year’s going and let them know that you’re always one call away if they need anything. 
  • Provide Educational Resources: Insurance clients want to make the most informed and educated decision when it comes to their coverage. While not every client will take you up on these offerings, take the time to provide educational resources on important subjects. When coming up with topic ideas, think about the most commonly asked insurance client questions, and in turn answer those questions. Newsletters, articles and webinars are all great ways to establish yourself as a knowledgeable insurance advisor.
  • Respond in a Quick Manner: Responding to clients promptly shows them that they’re your priority. Whether it’s a simple question regarding their coverage, or more specific inquiries during the Open Enrollment Period, providing a swift response showcases your value. 

Being reliable and regularly available creates a sense of confidence among clients. When they know that they can count on you, they’ll be more likely to reach out for advice, refer you to others, and stay with you into the future. 

#3 Practice Active Listening

Actively listening to your clients is one of the best methods to establish a solid connection with them. It is particularly important for clients to feel heard and understood. This is particularly true when it involves something as confidential and significant as insurance.

Young man with closed eyes wearing yellow headphones, focusing on the audio.

Active listening is more than just waiting for your chance to talk. Instead, it means giving the insurance client your undivided attention. Here are a few ways to practice active listening: 

  • Pay Close Attention When Clients are Speaking: To show clients that you are fully engaged in what they are saying, avoid interruptions. Additionally, keep track of key points that they are making and if necessary take notes. 
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: The solutions you offer are based on the client’s pain points. In order to understand these pain points, invite them to express their thoughts and feelings. A great way to gain more insight into their needs is by asking simple, open-ended questions. Some examples are: “How do you feel about your current coverage?” or “What is your biggest concern when it comes to insurance?”
  • Show Them That You’re Listening: To make sure that you’re addressing a client’s problems, repeat key points that they’ve touched on back to them. This shows them that you’re listening, while also helps to clarify any misunderstandings. 

Active listening helps to establish deeper connections with clients. These techniques don’t only show clients respect, but they also help to ensure that their specific needs and wants are met. By gaining an in-depth understanding of your client’s issues, it is much easier to offer them tailor-made solutions. 


#4 Follow Through on Your Promises

Any successful relationship is built on trust. Keeping your word is one of the most effective ways to earn your clients’ trust. Whether it’s something simple like a promised follow-up call, or something more important like undertaking a policy change, staying true to your word demonstrates both professionalism and honesty.

Here are some tips to help you keep you accountable when it comes to your insurance client relationships:

  • Follow Through on Mentioned Dates: If you promise to touch base on Monday, actually do it! While it may not seem particularly important whether you call the client on that day or the following Friday, keeping your word is the key to gaining trust. Even if you’re able to offer great customer service on another day, clients will still feel let down, since you aren’t prioritizing them.
  • Be Transparent About Delays: Inform your customer right away of any unanticipated delays in regarding touching base with them, policy modifications, or anything else for that matter. Additionally, when delays pop up, propose alternative solutions. Keeping things transparent is essential to preserving customer confidence.
  • Track Your Promises: Consider using a task management tracker like a CRM system to manage your promises to clients. Doing this ensures that nothing is overlooked and that your promises are delivered consistently on time. 

Regularly keeping your word exhibits dependability and professionalism. Following through on the commitments you make, helps clients feel confident in your abilities. Even if there are unexpected delays, transparent updates let them know that there is a plan in motion. 

Final Thoughts

Maintaining client loyalty and expanding your business require building strong bonds with insurance clients. Active listening, being a dependable resource, personalizing communication, and keeping your word are four essential tactics that will support you in building long-lasting relationships.

Doing these simple things will in turn foster client satisfaction, increase client retention rates, and boost referrals. Remember, when it comes to insurance, building relationships is more important than merely selling policies.

Pay attention to customer cues. Then, provide the same undivided attention that you’d want if you were sitting in their seat. Doing this will pay dividends for years to come and will boost your reputation in the long term. 

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, Benepath is here to help! In addition to our extensive resource library to help insurance agents, we also offer a variety of exclusive insurance leads. Working with our team of marketing experts and high-quality data leads gives you everything you need. With our help, you’ll exceed your quota, grow your book of clients and boost your ROI. So what are you waiting for? To get in touch just fill out a form, or call us directly at 888-684-3121.

About The Author:
Picture of Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman
Kyle Mehlman is Marketing Coordinator specializing in SEO, copywriting and content creation. In 2021, Kyle graduated from the University of North Carolina, with a degree in Journalism and Media.

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