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Why A Lead Generation Company Using Dedicated Medicare Supplemental Insurance Forms Is Best

Why a lead generation company using dedicated Medicare supplemental insurance forms is best

The main reason to buy leads culled from Medicare supplemental insurance forms is that those forms actually ask consumers if they are looking for Medicare supplements, if they are looking for Medicare Advantage or Medigap coverage and if they are covered under Medicare Part A & B.

The answers to those questions tell an agent right away that the individual who filled out the form is actually searching for Medicare information and he or she is in the market to buy a policy. Additionally, with all the extra information on the forms it makes calling such a lead a lot easier.

Selling insurance can be a tough gig, that’s for sure. However, if you buy pre-qualified, pre-screened leads that come in real-time when you want them, that’s a win-win situation.

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Benepath Blogger
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