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Getting the Most Out of Your Insurance Leads

Walk a mile in the shoes of your prospects.

So, lets say you are going to the department store and as soon as you walk in a friendly sales person asks you “May I help you?”

Well, 99 times out of 100, you tell them “I’m just looking” – right?

Now, you did not go to the store to waste your time – you just were not ready to speak to a sales person.

It’s no different for prospects shopping for insurance.

People go online when they are beginning the buying process – which means doing some research. Nobody does this to simply waste their time.

Of all the prospects, some are ready to speak to you right after they enter their information. Also, some are even ready to buy – right then. MOST – are not ready.

Again – does this surprise you? Think of how you would feel when doing some research if your phone rang the instant you put your name in a website.

Now do not misread what I am saying to mean wait to make your first call – best practice is to call right away – let the consumer decide if they are ready to speak with you by either answering or not answering the phone. The key thing is to keep calling until you make contact – and to do so in a way that is professional.

If you make just a few call attempts, you probably lost some sales – people bought from someone else.

The key is a a consistent, professional, coordinated process for following up with your leads.

Strategy For Phone Contact

  • Week 1 – call 3 times – when you get the lead, next day and 4 days later
  • Week 2 – call 2 times
  • Week 3 – Week 6 – call 1 time per week

Strategy For Voicemail Message

Your message should change based on which time it is that you have left a message.

The message should be about 15 seconds and no longer than 20 seconds – think of how you feel when you get a long winded message – even from your best friend.

As you move to later messages, you can use tactics like making the person feel bad about not taking your call – for example “Hi ___________, its {First Name} calling and I’ve been having trouble connecting with you since you requested my service last (day of the week). Please call me back at ______________ again that’s ____________”

Strategy For Email Communication

For every voicemail, send a followup email – short and sweet.

Here is an example

Hi ____________,

I just left you a voicemail regarding the medicare quotes you requested.

As your assigned agent, I have spent the time preparing them and would like to quickly review them with you to point out some of the more important considerations when making your selection.

Call me at _____________________ to make sure you get the best program for your needs.


If you create a planned communication campaign for your leads, and follow it rigorously, you will see better results.

About The Author:
Picture of Benepath Blogger
Benepath Blogger

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